
After a month of non-stop work that included weekends, I finally had the chance to take a break and go on a three-day trip to Bodrum, Turkey. Bodrum is only a couple of short ferry rides away from the island of Leros and it was very interesting to visit somewhere so close, yet so different. Had a lovely time walking around town with friends, trying lovely Turkish food, petting countless cats and dogs (so lovingly cared for by the Turkish people) and, of course, taking pictures, getting further acquainted with my new camera. Here are the best ones from the trip, starting with the color.

Some nice geometry framing a man at the ferry:

this sunset was the first thing I saw when I disembarked in Turkey. It was truly majestic:

if only all work sites were this pretty:

Turkish Disco realness:

mussels on the go:

24-hour farmers’ market:

for all your pickle needs in Bodrum:

The omnipresence of the Turkish flag makes for nice pictures:

one the way to the Mall:

spotting pictures of Kemal Atatürk EVERYWHERE is another fun game:

the mall, and the entire shopping district, was empty and sleepy, in off-season mode:

who’s that? Oh, it’s Kemal.

great orthodontist’s sign:

red on red:

The collapse of the Turkish Lira is definitely weighing heavy upon the people, in an already tumultuous political landscape.

the two sides of a portrait:

cats go where they please and all is right with the world:

some yummy neon:

the sun hitting a gold lock:

little girl petting a stuffed dog :)

Bodrum time:

he seemed frozen in time for a second:

dog on a stroller:

even though my zone focusing skills were slightly off on this one, I like how the light lined up with her elbow:

a couple of leftover color shots from the Bodrum ferry and the island of Kos:

and now, the black and white:

Al, on the way to Bodrum:

and, of course, some ferry tales:

nice to see the Q responding like this to strong backlight:

creepy buoy:

yawning is a fundamental part of traveling:

man holding his luggage on the passport control queue:

man enjoying a cigarette on the Bodrum waterfront:

boats in twilight:

the same worksite mural as before, with a man walking this time:

a couple of more Turkish classics, with the omnipresent Kemal:

kitty guarding its bin:

couple of upside-down shots of a hotel pool:

one of the great doggos we met on the trip:

taxi mirror selfie:

and a couple of more self portraits that came out interesting, on the mirror of a sunglass store:

On a personal note, it felt like a strange coincidence that my first every visit to Turkey was only days after the passing of the great Ara Güler. And, even though I wasn’t visiting his beloved Istanbul, I couldn’t help but think about his wonderful work when I was shooting black and white on the streets of Bodrum.

That was it from Bodrum. Hopefully we’ll find some time to visit Turkey again soon :)

Here’s a couple of shots from the ferry connection stop in Kos:

and some more ferry tales from the journey home:

and I leave you with the photo of this awesome Skull backpack, whose eyes are also loudspeakers. 🤘
