Tag: boat

Rolleiflex and other black and whites

Lately, I’ve been working on my darkroom and scanning workflow, trying out chemicals etc. I think it’s been paying off, and I’m excited to keep shooting film again. Here are the Rolleiflex shots first: some nikon F3, with the precious Voigtlander 20mm: and, of course, the adorable Lomo sprocket rocket (very very decent lens!):

Long overdue black and white post

after a hectic month of non-stop work, I found the time to develop several tri-x rolls. First some images from the boat to and from Leros (4 journeys in total): Easter Epitaph procession ’11 – tri-x 400 @200 with flash: Back to June: Orestis lunch, then fallen asleep at the tv: Taken at the Leros […]