Tag: refugee crisis

Long overdue post

I apologize in advance for the long post, but that’s what happens when you never find the time. It’s been a very busy and difficult time. Things have been tough all around Greece, dealing with a double crisis, and on our small island, most of us have been busy, ceaselessly tending to our work while […]

Another day of solidarity

Only two days have passed after the events in Paris, and journalists have arrived on our small island by the dozens, looking for a story -some piece of information linking to the notorious “Syrian passport” found at the attack scene. It was strange to suddenly be bombarded with questions about the situation in Leros by […]

Syrian Refugee Crisis: A day at the camp

I live in Leros, one of the islands in Greece heavily affected by the Syrian Refugee crisis. I am also part of the Leros Solidarity Network (Facebook: lerossn) which, in coordination with a number of organizations (UNHCR, MSF, etc.) and a multitude of volunteers from all around the world, has been helping literally hundreds of people […]